Ebook Parhelion Forces of Nature book 3 eBook Lisa J Lickel

By Wanda Tyler on Thursday, May 9, 2019

Ebook Parhelion Forces of Nature book 3 eBook Lisa J Lickel

Product details

  • File Size 441 KB
  • Print Length 274 pages
  • Publisher Fox Ridge Publications; 1 edition (March 1, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 1, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Parhelion Forces of Nature book 3 eBook Lisa J Lickel Reviews

  • I wasn't sure what to expect from Parhelion the latest release by Lisa J. Lickel but was instantly gripped by the story and struggled to put the book down. I even stayed up late reading in the middle of the night. 

    The main character, Maeve is in love with Harry, who is often referred to as Prince Harry. He is a former Air Force test pilot. Captain Harry is out of the service and has fallen for Maeve but he has a secret.  When he first made her acquaintance it was for another purpose. Life on earth is reaching a critical stage where it might soon result in the death of billions. A few communities of select individuals have been preparing for this outcome for many years, and Meave is critical to their plan because she possesses something unique.

    Harry needs her to join the program but not just for how she can help - but also because he wants her for his wife and if a group leave the planet, he wants her with him on the journey. The process of getting ready is riddled with complications within the community and from without and Maeve has a choice to make. Harry even struggles with the rules, or lack thereof for this new world, a space station, they would be populating. How does one make a choice when the end of civilization on earth is the only other option? 

    This book is written primarily from the points of view of Maeve and Harry in alternating chapters. Multi-layered and exceptionally well-written, it kept me on my toes and eager to keep turning the pages.
  • Lisa Lickel explains at the end of this novel that the title, Parhelion, refers to a rare atmospheric phenomenon in which the refraction of sunlight gives the appearance of three suns on the horizon—a new term for me and only one of the many revelations in her newest novel. I settled in for a sweet romance and was swept into a riveting drama I did not expect. Mystery, suspense, and a whole new take on how we face end-of-the-world decisions. Lisa Lickel kept things credible and grounded with enough science to make it all believable. A deeply human, richly nuanced, and emotionally gripping story of what preparations and hazards might await us in the very near future. This is the third in a series but stands alone. Five stars!
  • Parhelion is a future colony for humans who can survive in space planned by people who believe the earth will self-destruct and humanity will become extinct. Unknown to the general population they have been working on the colony underground in the United States for years. Some who’ve been born in the hidden compound don’t even know earthly living as we do.
    Harry, formerly an Air Force pilot, who’s now part of the secret group, meets Maeve at a wedding. She’s perfect for the colony, a person they need. Harry entices her to become part of the program without telling her what it is. He and Maeve grow fond of each other, but Maeve struggles with the things she doesn’t know or understand about Harry’s work, creating conflict in their relationship.
    This is a page-turner filled with suspense, mystery and romance, all taking place in a new society formed by people searching for answers to space survival. They end up getting help from an unlikely source. I highly recommend this for those who enjoy romance, suspense and science fiction.
  • Lickel pens a wonderful story in Parhelion. This story is the first I've read of Lickel's but I found it very interesting, and a great read. I enjoyed the story, and the characters. It's a story full of action, and falling in love. Harry and Maeve are great together and apart, even though there are secrets between the two. I know this is the third book in the series, but I didn't feel lost by not reading the first two, something that I may end up doing anyway. I look forward to reading more by this author.

    I received this book free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. ~Amy's Bookshelf Reviews
  • Lisa Lickel ‘s imaginative tale centers on earth on the verge of self-destruction from the threat of nuclear war. A secret colony of humans in the U.S. exists underground. Planned well in advance to ensure the survival of the human race, it has been established for several generations. These select few humans will colonize elsewhere, should the unthinkable happen.

    Harry, a former Air Force pilot and Maeve, his fiancé, are two key players in this sci-fi drama. I don’t want to give away too much but there are dangerous foes who pose a threat to Maeve, Harry and the colony so danger lurks nearby. The story blends sci-fi and romance and picks up where the first two books left off. Lickel does give some backstory to help first time readers of this series understand events that occur prior to this unfolding, but you might want to read those for yourself in order to enjoy this even more.