Ebook The Near Witch V E Schwab Books

By Wanda Tyler on Friday, May 10, 2019

Ebook The Near Witch V E Schwab Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 320 pages
  • Publisher Titan Books (March 12, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1789091128

The Near Witch V E Schwab Books Reviews

  • Lexi Harris lives in the village of Near. Secluded in the vast stretches of the moor, Near and its residents live a quiet, if mundane, existence. That is until a strange, ethereal boy arrives in town. As young children begin to go missing in the middle of the night, the outsider is blamed, but Lexi is convinced a dark, older, more nefarious entity is behind the disappearances The Near Witch. A story filled with magic, love, and heart, VE Schwab's THE NEAR WITCH is an absolutely beautiful read.

    I will always freely admit i am a massive VE Schwab fan. THE NEAR WITCH seems different than her other works. As her first novel, THE NEAR WITCH is smaller, a more intimate story. Her characters don't quite have the complexity she is now known for, but you can see the beginnings of everything to come. Lexi is stubborn and filled with angst and conviction. She's the character you want to root for. Cole's mystery is what seems compelling. The love story is alright, but it is secondary to the overall conflict.

    There are many themes throughout family, love, acceptance, isolation. Everything is brought together well but unexceptionally.

    What truly sets this book apart is the absolutely gorgeous writing and amazing setting/atmosphere. Schwab has a lyrical storytelling quality that makes you feel the grass of the moors at your feet, see the wind blown trees, and connect with the natural rhythm and beauty of Near just like Lexi does. This has become one of my favorite books for the writing alone.

    THE NEAR WITCH is one of those hauntingly beautiful books you should crack open on a blustery, rainy night. It is subtle, quiet, and unimposing, but settles around you like a comfortable blanket. There is something familiar in the tale of witches and young love that makes this simple story a treat to experience. I have a feeling I'm going to read this book again and again.
  • Her first book, here now in re-reprint, is like getting to read a long-lost little gem. Yeah, it’s very “YA” and a few times I felt the main protagonists’ relationship was a bit rushed, as is sometimes a staple in the older “YA” books, but all this is easily looked passed and forgiven for such an interesting and new story. I love Schwab’s take on witches in this book, it’s refreshing and even a little brave, considering all the HP knock-offs out there. The only thing that really ever bothered me, was (and this may have been on purpose?) I could never really get a feel for what time period we were supposed to be in. I just made my best guess and went along.

    The version of the book I just finished also had “The Ash-Born Boy” included at the end, which was a nice treat to get a backstory on one particular character that I will not name here for fear of spoilers, but it was a great addition to the main story of The Near Witch.

    Just a quick note to add—any of you Audible members who might think about purchasing the Audible version of this book - DON’T!! I’ve been a member w/Audible for over 3 years now and THIS was the only book I’ve ever returned! I HATED to do that too, because I like to support my fav authors, but the Narrator is absolutely ridiculous! She sounds like my British-voiced Siri trying to read me a book. It’s truly unlistenable—the worse I’ve heard. But by all means—go buy yourself the actual physical book, or download the version. You will not be disappointed!
  • It was part love story, part mystery, and part old ghost story. You feel the sense of urgency on Lexi's part because she has a younger sister named Wren and she fears for her safety. She also falls in love with the mysterious boy/witch, Cole (she named him) that has come to town. She wants to clear his name and the only way she can do that is to use her gift (tracking) that she inherited from her father. You learn that her father passed away and the tragic circumstances behind that as the story unfolds. She is missing him terribly and the only way she feels close to him is trying to track down who or what is taking these children.
  • I always love Victoria Schwabs writing style. I believe this was her first book and part of it feels slightly less polished than her more recent works. An avid reader will be able to read this in less than a day. That being said I adore stories that have an old fairytale vibe to them and this one has so many classic fairytale elements; stolen children, witches,and a bit of romance. I enjoyed reading it, and I liked the way she wove the theme of 'Fear' into the story. I felt like it had a good message. It would be a great book for older children or teens.
  • One of my all time favorite novels (and authors).
  • Great
  • I really enjoyed The Near Witch. It was captivating and reeled me in.
    Lexi lives in the small town of Near and has heard stories about the Near Witch that is told to frighten children. But, when a stranger shows up and children start to go missing, the small town is blaming the stranger who seems beyond their grasp as well as Lexi is set out in finding the missing children and being faced with the stranger boy without a name and stories of the Near Witch that may not just be stories.
    I loved the scenery description. I could picture it in my head as I was reading.
    I also enjoyed the characters. The Thorne Sisters were interesting and I kind if wished there was a bit more magical things shown with them. I can picture them as old ladies bickering at each other throughout day to day life, lol.
    I enjoyed the witch song sung while the game was played.
    I enjoyed how the ending wrapped up and the description of the Near Witch coming together was pretty cool.
    I also enjoyed the backstory of Will/Cole at the end as well. It gave us a look into his life before Near.
    Like I mentioned, I really enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading more from this author.