Ebook Napoleon Hemorrhoids And Other Small Events that Changed History Phil Mason 9781510744400 Books

By Wanda Tyler on Saturday, May 11, 2019

  • This book is just loaded with what if's and some you got to be kiddings. Though most of the things covered are British in nature there is a good sprinkling of other events from other countries also. Now when you read this book some of the events may be familiar if you like this type of reading. I found this book to be a light hearted look at the crazy world we live in. Some might find these little vignettes a big whoop, but it is strange how things turn out. So for amusing read this book will do.
  • Primarily from British and American history, this is a collection of small interesting accidents of history, unexpected incidents or entertaining anecdotes about historical figures. Many of the best are cited in the promotional blurbs for the book, but there are plenty of others. My personal favorite regarded the disposal of Thomas Hardy's remains. In a compromise, his ashes are interred in Poets Corner at Westminster Abbey, but according to his wishes his heart was to be buried in the family plot. As the burial was pending, a cat stole the heart and escaped into a nearby forest. It is assumed that the casket later buried contains the heart in some form.
  • Little things can make a huge differences in outcome. It is no more true than in history, and this book is brimming with example after example of how world history has been changed by seemingly inconsequential incidents that have changed world events. It is astounding how different our world would be today if many of the events recorded in this book had been different. Who knows this review might even have been in french!!!
  • Starts off very strong with a solid collection of tales of similar type and magnitude of the title incident. Then you get to chapter three or so and the book turns into a series of middling coincidences with only the occasional gem found within its pages. Was very excited after chapter one and very disappointed from there on out.
  • Did you know that the Holiday Inn hotel chain was created because Mr. Wilson resented having to pay extra for his five children when he stayed in hotels? He started the first chain that allowed children to stay free. The book is full of tidbits such as these. Mr. Mason is an English writer and, since I don't know enough about cricket or prime ministers, sometimes the info didn't interest me, but it wasn't for want of his research or amusing writing.
  • Very nice; if you've ever thought that history hangs on the big moments and big decisions, this will make you think otherwise. This book demonstrates that without a doubt, much of what has defined the pageant of human life has hung on a simple throw of the proverbial cards of fate. Which also means, of course, that little things you do yourself could potentially change the course of the world without you're ever knowing it; an unsettling thought.